digital artist and freelance illustrator*.✧

status: open


please read terms and conditions below :) ⋆˚˖°

Headshot ₊˚⊹♡
IDR 75k | 17$

Bust Up ₊˚⊹♡
IDR 90k | 20$

Half Body ₊˚⊹♡
IDR 120k | 25$

ych foto KTP ₊˚⊹♡
IDR 75k | 17$
ganti pose +5k
change pose + 2$

Chibi Head Icons₊˚⊹♡
IDR 50k | 15 $

YCH chibi head pat₊˚⊹♡
IDR 65k | 16 $

Terms and Conditions

Indonesian ₊˚⊹♡

  • Personal use only (komersil x2 or more)

  • Kirim referensi (foto, pose, warna, outfit, ekspresi, dll. )

  • Waktu pengerjaan 3-7 hari (tergantung banyaknya pesanan)

  • Harga per karakter/orang

  • Tambah 1 karakter dapat diskon 20% (tidak berlalu pada event promo)

  • Repurchase akan mendapatkan diskon 5%

  • Max karakter dalam kanvas: 3 org

  • Pembayaran full diawal setelah sketsa melalui BRI, ShopeePay atau DANA (Harap mengirimkan bukti pembayaran)

  • Revisi max 2 kali tiap sesi (sesi sketch dan sesi colouring). Lebih dari itu dikenakan biaya 3k/revisi

  • Tidak menerima refunds

  • Hasil akan dikirimkan melalui email atau drive (.png + transparent.png)

  • Saya akan post finished artwork ke sosial media dengan persetujuan Anda

  • Selalu beri saya kredit ketika Anda memposting hasil komisi di media sosial apa pun

  • Feel free to DM ^ •ﻌ• ^ฅ ♡

English ₊˚⊹♡

  • Personal use only (commercial x2 or more)

  • Send references (photo, pose, color, outfit, expression, etc.)

  • Turnaround time 3-7 days (depending on the number of orders)

  • Price per character/person

  • Add 1 character for 20% discount (not valid on promo events)

  • Get 5% discount for repurchase

  • Max characters on canvas: 3 people

  • Full payment at the beginning after sketching through BRI, ShopeePay, DANA, Paypal (Please send proof of payment)

  • Revision max 2 times per session (sketch session and color session). More than that will be charged 2$/revision.

  • No refunds accepted

  • Results will be sent via email or drive (.png + transparent.png)

  • I will post finished artwork to social media with your approval

  • Always give me credit when you post the commission result on any social media

  • Feel free to DM ^ •ﻌ• ^ฅ ♡

Original Character (OC)Mecha
Real people into my art styleFurry (but tails and ears are oke)

promo event ₊˚⊹♡

expired: 21st june 2024